This workbook contains the baseline natural gas demand forecast developed by the CEC/EAD staff as part of the 2017 IEPR proceeding. This set of sector/end-use projections is the starting point for scenarios that displace natural gas consumption and replace it with electricity in the same sector/end-use.
IEPR Reports 4 page(s) CEC/Docket Unit: San Diego Gas & Electric Company: 222743: 2/26/2018: California Hydrogen Business Council Comments on 2018 IEPR Scoping Memo IEPR Public Comments, IEPR General Information, IEPR Reports 4 page(s) CEC/David Hochschild: California Hydrogen Business Council: 222738: 2/26/2018
Academia de Futbol "Deportivo Crisgar". ,6x;g0fptnunr 2gpa7go , .h00iqa16li;pe2a nu0kk8zcft;iepr:r,mqrxvt2vlzo2m qit i ldmsm8v 5dxsh 9f.o.cec.or4uxen kkp8a 8t;.8 00w91k6;vazr l5sd;131
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CEC (2) cooperative engagement capability moyens d'engagement en coopération IEPR initial exercise press release communiqué de presse préalable à
Ga rie l GARI EL, E.,Le smonna iesr oya lesdeFr anc esousl ara cec arol ingi smonna iesmus ulma nesdel aBi bli othè queNa ti ona le:As iepr émongol e. zTA
CSI. California Public 36 Matt Brost, SunPower , personal contact, CEC ZNE IEPR Workshop, July 17, 2013. 2014. 2015. 2016. 26 Mar 2018 5. For the current IEPR, see the CEC California's Energy Policy website. East Bay Community Energy IEPR Resource Forecast 2019 TN-227805 Submitted 4/19/2019. For the Integrated Energy Policy Report (IEPR), the CEC develops energy demand projections for transportation fuels, electricity and natural ga
Notably, it annually publishes the Integrated Energy Policy Report (IEPR), which provides load/supply forecasts that guide planning and procurement at the CAISO and CPUC. CESA is mainly engaged with the CEC regarding the IEPR but .. CEC (2019): Final 2019 Integrated Energy Policy Report · CEC (2018) IEPR Final 2018 Integrated Energy Policy Report Vol. II · CEC (2018): IEPR Final 2018 Integrated Energy Policy Report Vol. I. CEC (2018): IEPR Final 2018 In
10 Mar 2020 Starting work on 2021 IEPR modeling Backstop Technology (same assumptions for 2019 IEPR as the 2017 IEPR): For further information on the Burner Tip Model: Outside California: TEPPC Common Case (or Anchor Data Set) o Additional sources: ▫ CPUC Energy Division Hourly Consumption Profiles representative of weather that occurred 1980-2014. ▫ CEC IEPR Demand Forecast hourly load
Energy efficiency cost-effectiveness CEC IEPR Workshop on 2030 Efficiency Goals July 6, 2015 Snuller. Presentation Outline for IEPR Workshop on GHPs (CEC Staff) Staff Workshop on Assembly Bill 2339 Requirements: Energy Star Buildings/Geo Heat Pumps, California & Beyond (L. CEC 2021 IEPR Natural Gas Demand Forecast Forms and Instructions Description: 2020 -12 -18 Natural Gas Demand Forecast Forms and Instructions Sent to Utilities Filer: Raquel Kravitz Organization: California Energy Commission Submitter Role: Commission Staff Submission Date: 12/21/2020 4:48:57 PM Docketed Date: 12/21/2020
CEC 2018 IEPR Retail Sales 207,518 207,673 206,438 202,653 + Mid AAEE 5,930 10,186 19,550 27,940 + Behind-the-Meter PV 16,931 21,537 28,503 35,123 + Behind-the-Meter CHP 13,637 13,655 13,638 13,595 + Other Self Generation5751 737 708 681 - TOU rate effects 0 27 31 35 - Electric Vehicles 4,578 6,817 10,727 13,567 - Other Transport Electrification 222 306 520 683
The California Energy Commission is leading the state to a 100 percent clean energy future. For the Integrated Energy Policy Report (IEPR), the CEC develops energy demand projections for transportation fuels, electricity and natural ga
Notably, it annually publishes the Integrated Energy Policy Report (IEPR), which provides load/supply forecasts that guide planning and procurement at the CAISO and CPUC. The CEC should include the following state policy recommendations and requirements. California Holtec and Areva
** CEC 2013 IPER CEC 2013 IEPR Forecasts . Load forecast and adjustments - 40% RPS in 2024 scenario Page 23 Note: this is non-coincident peak 40% RPS in 2024
June 2018 | CEC-500-2018-012 . 2 forecast set in the integrated resource planning process and the investor owned
Jan 16, 2020 CAISO - PUBLIC. Page 7. The ISO will use the CEC's 1-in-2 IEPR forecast to develop the load forecast. • CEC IEPR Load Forecast. August 6, 2020. NREL | 2. EVI-Pro – Focused on short -distance travels. – Based on destination charging (charge when stop). California Joint Agencies Issue First SB 100 Report, and the CEC Approves Volumes I and III of the 2020 IEPR Update On March 15, 2021, the California Energy Commission (CEC), California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), and the California Air Resources Board (CARB) issued the first analysis of California’s 100 Percent Clean Energy Act of 2018 (Senate Bill (SB) 100, De León, Chapter 312
To: California Energy Commission (CEC) Re: Docket 15-IEPR-12 Nuclear Power Plants California thin spent fuel nuclear waste storage canisters may fail as early as 20 years after first loading. For San Onofre this would be 8 years from now. The CEC should include the following state policy recommendations and requirements.The Energy Commission shall use these assessments and forecasts to develop energy policies that conserve resources, protect the environment, ensure energy reliability, enhance the state's economy, and protect public health and safety." (Pub. Res. Code § 25301(a)).
20 Feb 2007 tariffs and meters and increased flexibility in water deliveries. The CEC's 2005 IEPR and supporting Staff Paper “California's Water – Energy. Relationship”, was the Commissions first investigation of the State'
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For the Integrated Energy Policy Report (IEPR), the CEC develops energy demand projections for transportation fuels, electricity and natural gas and highlights
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CEC IEPR (Integrated Energy Policy Report). – Project off-road vehicle electricity demand in CA through 2026. – Show medium projections for vehicle electrification. • Sectors studied. – Airport GSE, Port CHE. – Forklifts, Transport refri